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Dynamic english 71 - Anh Ngữ sinh động bài 71

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Ðây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài 71, Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong chương trình này, quí vị sẽ gặp Ông Max và cô Kathy là hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh ngữ căn bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hoá Mỹ. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu: What Do You Do In The Summer? Mùa hè bạn làm gì? Quí vị cũng học tên 12 tháng, tên bốn mùa và thời tiết. Trước hết, xin nghe tên 12 tháng:

January, tháng giêng; February, tháng hai; March, tháng ba; April, tháng tư; May, tháng năm; June, tháng sáu; July, tháng bảy; August, tháng tám; September, tháng chín; October, tháng mười; November, tháng mười một; December, tháng chạp.

Nhận xét: July nhấn mạnh vào vần nhì. Season=mùa; Tên bốn mùa: Spring, xuân, Summer, hạ; Fall hay Autumn, thu; Winter, đông. Phần đầu bài học, quí vị nghe chuyện cô Pat Miller, sinh viên Ðại học American University đến thăm đài.

Larry: Today’s unit is What Do You Do In The Summer?

[ This lesson introduces the names of the months and the seasons of the year. Trong bài học này chúng ta sẽ học về tên các tháng và tên các mùa trong năm.




Max: Hi, Kathy. How are you today?
Kathy: Pretty good. How are you?
Max: Fine. Who’s our guest today?
Kathy: Today’s guest is Pat Miller.
Max: Pat Miller...Oh, yes! The college student. She goes to American University.
Kathy: That’s right.
Max: I’m looking forward to seeing her again.
Kathy: Me too.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe và lập lại tên tháng; nghe trước rồi lập lại sau.


Language Focus. Repeat with a Beat:

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Listen to the names of the months. Say the names.
Max: January (pause for repeat)
Kathy: January (pause for repeat)
Max: February (pause for repeat)
Kathy: February (pause for repeat)
Max: March (pause for repeat)
Kathy: March (pause for repeat)
Max: January, February, March (pause for repeat)
Max: April(pause for repeat)
Kathy: April (pause for repeat)
Max: May (pause for repeat)
Kathy: May (pause for repeat)
Max: June (pause for repeat)
Kathy: June (pause for repeat)
Max: April, May, June (pause for repeat)
Max: July (pause for repeat)
Kathy: July (pause for repeat)
Max: August (pause for repeat)
Kathy: August (pause for repeat)
Max: September (pause for repeat)
Kathy: September (pause for repeat)
Max: July, August, September (pause for repeat)
Max: October (pause for repeat)
Kathy: October (pause for repeat)
Max: November (pause for repeat)
Kathy: November (pause for repeat)
Max: December (pause for repeat)
Kathy: December (pause for repeat)
Max: October, November, December (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Tiếp theo là phần phỏng vấn cô sinh viên Pat Miller. Pat Miller talks about her school vacations.=Pat Miller nói về những dịp nghỉ trong năm học.

In the summer, she goes to the beach, and in the winter, she sometimes goes skiing.=Về mùa hè, cô Pat đi ra bờ biển, và về mùa đông thỉnh thoảng cô ấy đi trượt tuyết.

Vacation=dịp nghỉ.

A two week vacation=dịp nghỉ kéo dài hai tuần [như Giáng sinh].

Go swimming=đi bơi
go skiing=trượt tuyết [to ski=trượt tuyết]
to go to the beach=ra bờ biển.
Our summer vacation begins in June.=mùa nghỉ hè của chúng tôi bắt đầu vào tháng sáu dương lịch.
I like hot weather.=tôi thích thời tiết nóng.
Stay inside=ở trong nhà.

Xin nghe phần phỏng vấn; sau đó nghe rồi lập lại để tập nói câu dài.


Interview: Pat Miller.
Larry: Interview. Pat Miller talks about her school vacations.
In the summer, she goes to the beach, and in the winter, she sometimes goes skiing.
I like hot weather, and I love going to the beach.
Kathy: Now it’s time for today’s interview. Our guest today is Pat Miller.
Pat: Hello, Kathy. Hi, Max.
Kathy: Pat, how’s school going?
Pat: It’s going well. I’m working hard but I enjoy it.
Kathy: Do you get a vacation?
Pat: Sure I do. Our summer vacation begins in June. It lasts until September. We also have a two-week vacation in December.
Kathy: What do you do during your summer vacation?
Pat: In the summer, I like to go swimming. I like hot weather, and I love going to the beach.
Kathy: How about winter? What do you do in the winter?
Pat: I sometimes go skiing, but I don’t like cold weather. When it’s cold, I prefer to stay inside.
Kathy: Sure. Me too! Our guest today is Pat Miller. We’ll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.


Language Focus. Phrasal repetition [xin nghe và lập lại một nhóm chữ rồi cả câu.]

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Max: go swimming
Max: I like to go swimming. (pause for repeat)
Max: In the summer, I like to go swimming (pause for repeat)
Max: go skiing
Max: I like to go skiing (pause for repeat)
Max: In the winter, I like to go skiing (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, quí vị nghe tiếp cuộc phỏng vấn cô sinh viên Pat Miller. Quí vị sẽ nghe những chữ mới như:

Favorite=ưa thích. She likes spring best=cô ấy thích mùa xuân nhất. Like best=thích nhất.
The flowers bloom in the spring=hoa nở về mùa xuân.
The leaves on the trees turn green.=lá cây đổi thành mầu xanh.
Ôn lại: Fall (Autumn)=mùa thu.
Cherry blossoms=hoa anh đào.


Interiew 2: Pat Miller.

Larry: Interview

Pat talks about her favorite season, spring.=Pat nói về mùa xuân là mùa cô thích nhất.
She likes spring best because it’s warm and the flowers bloom in the spring.=cô thích mùa xuân nhất vì thời tiết ấm và hoa nở về mùa xuân.
What’s your favorite season? Mùa nào bạn thích nhất?

Kathy: We’re back with our guest, Pat Miller. What’s your favorite season, Pat?.
Pat: My favorite season? Well, I like summer a lot, but I think my favorite season is spring.
Kathy: Why is that?
Pat: Well, it’s warm. The flowers bloom and the leaves on the trees turn green. In spring, people come here to see the cherry blossoms.
Kathy: Do you like fall?
Pat: I like fall. I like to see the leaves turn colors [đổi màu]. It’s a beautiful time of the year, but it starts to get cool. I don’t like cool weather very much.
Kathy: What about winter?
Pat: Oh, I hate winter! It’s cold and dark. I hate it!
Kathy: Thanks, Pat. Our guest today is Pat Miller. We’ll take a short break, and then we’ll talk some more. This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới, xin nghe và lập lại theo nhịp.

Ôn lại: How’s the weather in the summer? về mùa hè, thời tiết ra sao?
It’s hot in the summer=mùa hè trời nóng;
It’s cold in the winter=mùa đông trời lạnh;
It’s warm in the spring=mùa xuân trời ấm;
It’s cool in the fall=mùa thu trời mát.


Jazz Chant. How’s the weather in the summer?

Larry: Listen to the Chant.
Max: How’s the weather in the summer?
Kathy: It’s hot.
Kathy: It’s hot.
Max: How’s the weather in the winter?
Kathy: It’s cold.
Kathy: It’s cold.
Max: How’s the weather in the spring?
Kathy: It’s warm.
Kathy: It’s warm.
Max: How’s the weather in the fall?
Kathy: It’s cool.
Kathy: It’s cool.
Max: It’s hot in the summer.
Max: And it’s cold in the winter.
Kathy: It’s warm in the spring.
Kathy: And it’s cool in the fall.

Larry: Now let’s chant.

Max: How’s the weather in the summer?
Kathy: It’s hot.
Kathy: It’s hot.
Max: How’s the weather in the winter?
Kathy: It’s cold.
Kathy: It’s cold.
Max: How’s the weather in the spring?
Kathy: It’s warm.
Kathy: It’s warm.
Max: How’s the weather in the fall?
Kathy: It’s cool.
Kathy: It’s cool.
Max: It’s hot in the summer.
Max: And it’s cold in the winter.
Kathy: It’s warm in the spring.
Kathy: And it’s cool in the fall.


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần đàm thoại sắp tới, bà Martha đánh thức chồng là George. To wake somebody up=đánh thức ai dậy.
To wake up=thức dậy.
WAKE là động từ bất qui tắc. To wake/woke/woken.
Xin nghe mấy thí dụ: What time do you usually wake up? bạn thường dậy lúc mấy giờ?
I woke up at six o’clock this morning. Sáng nay tôi dây lúc sáu giờ.
Has the baby woken yet? Em bé đã thức dậy chưa?
To go for a walk=đi bộ.

Xin nghe trước, rồi nghe và lập lại sau.


Daily Dialogue: In the Morning (Part 1)

Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Martha: Wake up, George. (short pause)
George: What is it? (short pause)
Martha: Let’s go for a walk. (short pause)
George: It’s too early! (short pause)
Martha: It’s 8:00! (short pause)
George: Yes, but it’s Sunday morning. I want to sleep! (short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Martha: Wake up, George. (pause for repeat)
George: What is it? (pause for repeat)
Martha: Let’s go for walk. (pause for repeat)
George: It’s too early! (pause for repeat)
Martha: It’s 8:00! (pause for repeat)
George: Yes, but it’s Sunday morning. I want to sleep! (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese Explanation

Trong phần tới-Câu Ðố trong tuần-Question of the Week, quí vị nghe lại câu hỏi How Long Does It Take? Mất bao lâu, và sau đó nghe câu giải đáp


Question of the Week: How long does it take?


Max: It’s time to answer last week’s question.

The question was: How long does it take?
Question number one: How long does it take to bake a pizza?
Does it take three minutes, ten minutes, or thirty minutes?
Okay, Kathy? What’s your anwser?
Kathy: Three, ten, or thirty. Well, three minutes seems too short. And I think thirty minutes is too long. I think the answer is ten minutes. It takes ten minutes to bake a pizza.
Max: That’s right. It takes ten minuutes. Very good. Ready for another one?
Max: OK. Question number two. How long does it take to fly from San Francisco to New York?
Kathy: Could you please repeat that?
Max: Sure. How long does it take... to fly from San Francisco to New York? Does it take one hour, two hours, or five hours?
Kathy: Let’s see. It’s pretty far from San Francisco to New York. So I think it takes five hours.
Max: That’s right. It takes about five hours to fly from San Francisco to New York. Are you ready for Question Number 3?
Kathy: Go ahead.
Max: Okay. How long does it take to walk a mile?
Does it take five minutes, twenty minutes, or two hours?
Kathy: Let’s see. I think twenty minutes. I think it takes about twenty minutes to walk a mile.
Max: Yes, that’s it. It takes about twenty minutes to walk a mile. Very good.
Kathy: Thank you. This was fun.


Vietnamese Explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài học Anh Ngữ Sinh Ðộng New Dynamic English bài thứ 71. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả, và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

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