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Exercise 7

Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất.

1) John is ____________ than Paul. (old)
2) New York is ________________ than Los Angeles. (exciting)
3) She is _____________ than her sister. (pretty)
4) Mary drives ______________ than Tom. (carefully)
5) My cooking is ______________ than my wife's. (bad)
6) Gina bought three books. Nelson bought five books. Gina bought _____ books than Nelson. (few)
7) Sofia drinks two glasses of water every day. Tony drinks six glasses of water every day. Sofia drinks ________ water than Tony. (little)
8) I get up _________ than my brother. (early)
9) Home-made food is __________ than fast food. (delicious)
10) Lilia is ________ than Louisa. (thin)


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