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Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất.

1) Everyone was there; ____ came.
even Sam
Sam even
2) I bought it ____ it cost more than I could afford to spend.
even if
even though
3) The dinner was terrible so I ____ ate a little.
4) I'll do it ____ it kills me.
even if
5) She's a workaholic; ____ works on Sundays.
even she
she even
6) ____ could do it- it's easy.
Even a child
A child even
7) I tried everything to contact her; ____ rang her mum.
even I
I even
8) He eats anything- ____ ate spiders when we were travelling.
even he
he even
9) He refused to admit he was wrong, ____ he was shown the evidence.
when even
even when
10) ____ it was shocking, I found it very funny.
Even though


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