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Enough & Too

Chọn câu trả lời thích hợp nhất.

1) It was _____ so we didn't get it.
expensive enough
too expensive
enough expensive
2) It's ______ to read; I don't understand it at all.
enough difficult
too difficult
difficult enough
3) They didn't sell ______ to make it worthwhile.
tickets enough
enough tickets
too tickets
4) There were _____ people there.
too many
5) It's not ______ to sort things out.
enough late
late enough
too late
6) It's ______ to pass.
enough difficult
too difficult
7) I left because I'd had _____ their arguing.
enough of
8) He ate ______ and felt ill.
enough much
much enough
too much
9) I'm shatterd; I didn't _____ last night
enough sleep
sleep enough
too sleep
too much sleep
10) It's _____ to walk - I'll take the bus.
enough far
far enough
too far
too much far
11) I didn't get _____ last night and I'm exhausted.
enough sleep
sleep enough
too sleep


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