ID 14462
Date: 01/20/2007
Tết Dishes (Vietnamese New Year Food)

Vegetarian 3 color Bánh Tét
Cá Kho Tộ Chay (Vegetarian Fish in Coconut Caramel Sauce)
Gỏi Bạc Hà Chay (Vegetarian Taro Stem Salad)
Kiểm (Vegetarian Pumpkin Stew)
Rau Cải Kho Nước Dừa (Vegetarian Braised Veggies with Coconut Milk)
Mắm Ruốt Xào Xả Ớt Chay (Vegetarian Shrimp Paste/Belachan with Lemongrass)
Đồ Xào Chay Gia Truyền (Traditional “Family Recipe” Stir Fry)  **Non-vegetarian dishes to celebrate the rest of new years.**
Canh Khổ Qua (Bittermelon Soup)
Thịt Kho Nước Dừa (Braised Pork in Coconut Juice with Eggs and Bamboo Shoots)
Dưa Giá (Pickled Bean Sprouts)
Gà Luộc Chặt (Boiled Chicken)
Gà Xé Lá Chanh (Shredded Chicken with Lime Leaves)

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REF: 90046
Date: 01/20/2007

Ái chà! Lovelycat cảm nhận được hương vị Tết đâu đây rồi.
Mọi người thì sao???
REF: 90058
Date: 01/21/2007

wOOOOw thank you very much lovelycat. I want to eat all now!!Can you give me! 
hahaha my friend
REF: 90062
Date: 01/21/2007

Hihi!Từ từ ăn đã bạn.Phải nấu mới ăn được chứ.Nào bây giờ Lovelycat và mtbha vào bếp nhé!Mọi người trên diễn đàn cũng tham gia với tụi mình nhé ^_^
REF: 90063
Date: 01/21/2007

Và đây món đầu tiên.
-1lb vegetarian fish
-2 tbs coconut milk
-6 tbs sugar
-3 tbs soy sauce
-2 tbs ketchup or tomato sauce
-coconut juice or water
-salt and pepper to taste
What to Do:
Cut fish into bite size pieces, deep fry until slightly golden. Boil together sugar and coconut milk until it turns into rich caramel color; add soy sauce, ketchup and about 1 cup of coconut juice. Add fish and more coconut juice to cover the fish (liquid and fish should be at the same level). Simmer for 15 mins, add salt and pepper to taste.
***Because my vegetarian dishes are prepared with “Buddhist Laws” in mind; besides not using meats and animal products, I do not use garlic, onions, leeks, chives, or any type of alcohol. However, if your main goal in being vegan cooking is to just avoid meats, feel free to add the any of the mentioned above to spice up you dishes.***
REF: 90080
Date: 01/22/2007

Hi lovelycat.I want to eat vegetarian fish in coconut caramel sauce now but where is the rie.......then I give you this rice
Đang học tiếng anh nói hông đúng lovelycat xữa dùm nghe..........Thanks
REF: 90087
Date: 01/22/2007

Hic!Tiếng Việt bạn còn gõ lộn thì sao mình sửa được tiếng Anh.
REF: 90088
Date: 01/22/2007

Và đây.Hôm nay tụi mình sẽ lăn xuống bếp nấu tiếp món thứ hai ^_^
-2lbs bạc hà (taro stems)
-2 carrots
-3 bell peppers
-100g fried tofu
-100g precooked gluten (‘vegetarian mock duck’)
-4 tbs sugar
-3 tbs vinegar
-1 tbs soy sauce
-ngò gai (saw tooth herb)
-vegetarian prawns (optional)
-crushed roasted peanuts
-lá quế (basil)
What to Do:
Cut bell peppers and carrots into thin strips. Mix with sugar and vinegar and salt. Marinate for 20 mins or until veggies are wilted. Peel bạc hà and cut into thin slices. Mix with carrots and bell peppers and drain, squeeze out excess water. Cut tofu and gluten into thing long strips. Stir fry with soy sauce and pepper to taste. Finely chop ngò gai. Mix together prepared carrots, bell peppers, bạc hà with tofu, gluten and ngò gai. Give it a taste to make sure the flavors are balanced. Garnish with prawns, basil, and toasted peanuts.
REF: 90122
Date: 01/24/2007

-1 can coconut milk
-300-400g pumpkin
-50g lotus seeds
-20g nấm mèo (dried woodear mushrooms)
-100g bột khoai (tapioca strips)
-100g sweet potatoes
-2 plantain bananas (optional)
-50g peanuts
-salt and sugar to taste
What to Do:
Soak woodear mushrooms, lotus seeds and tapioca strips in water until soft, drain water. Cut pumpkin, bananas and sweet potatoes into bite size pieces. In pot boil together pumpkin, potatoes, and lotus seeds until slightly tender, add mushrooms, peanuts and bananas. Cook for 15 mins more, add coconut milk and tapioca strips, and bring stew back to a boil. Add sugar and salt to taste. Although a savory dish, this stew should taste slightly sweet.
REF: 90260
Date: 01/30/2007

-100g each: bamboo shoots, cabbage, daikon radish, green beans, carrots
-100g bittermelon (optional)
-300g fried tofu
-1/2 can coconut milk
-water or coconut juice
-soy sauce, salt, and sugar to taste
What to Do:
Cut everything into bite size pieces and add to a large pot except tofu. Add enough water to cover veggies (water and veggies should be at the same level). Cook until veggies are tender, add tofu, coconut milk, soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste. If using bittermelon boil bittermelon separately for 5 mins before cooking with the other veggies.
REF: 90263
Date: 01/30/2007

This is a Hakka style stir fry (my grandma was hakka). The recipe has been passed down for generations in my family and is a must have during new years. For some reason eating oysters is allowed in this style of vegetarianism. I have been told by some people that eating anything that does not have red blood is considered vegetarian thus, oysters are allowed. I have seen Chinese Buddhist temples use dried oysters as an offering so I assume its ok. However, Vietnamese Buddhist strictly disapprove of consuming any form of meat even dried oysters. To eat or not to eat? It’s up to you.
-50g each: dried lily flower, shitake mushrooms, woodear mushrooms
-100g dried oysters
-20g each: dried bean curd sheets, cellophane noodles
-150g cabbage
-salt, and sugar to taste
What to Do:
Soak lily flowers, mushrooms, oysters and noodles in water separately, until soft and expanded. Remove from water, save the soaking water from oysters and shitake mushrooms. Knot lily flowers and pinch off stems. Cut cabbage into bite size pieces. Heat a wok with 1 tbs oil add shitake mushrooms and oysters along with some water from the oyster to cover. Cook until water evaporates almost completely. Add lily flowers, woodear mushrooms, noodles, cabbage and bean curd. Add in the liquids that were saved earlier (just enough, you can add more later… adding too much will make the noodles soggy). Stir fry over high heat until noodles are transparent and cabbage is wilted. Add salt and sugar to taste.
REF: 90310
Date: 02/02/2007

The Vietnamese name for Bitter Melon is “Khổ Qua”. Khổ means “hardship” and Qua means “over”. Together Khổ Qua means “hardship is over” thus, Khổ Qua is always served during new years so that all of the hardship can be swallowed allowing one to expect an easy going year to come.
-Approximately 2 lbs bitter melon
-1lb ground pork
-100g dried woodear mushrooms
-1 small bundle cellophane noodles (approx. 30g)
-3/4 tsp fish sauce (more to taste)
-1/2 tsp sugar
-1 tsp pepper
-green onions
What to Do:
Wash bitter melon and cut in half or thirds, remove seeds. Soak woodear mushrooms in water until soft cut into thin strips. Cut cellophane noodles into short strands. Mix together mushrooms, noodles, pork, fish sauce, sugar and pepper. Stuff filling into bitter melons pieces. Bring a pot to water to a boil, add bitter melon and 2 tbs fish sauce. Simmer until bitter melon is tender, add fish sauce to taste. Garnish with chopped green onions and cilantro.
Fish sauce helps make the bitter melon not bitter, if you prefer a slightly bitter taste use salt instead of fish sauce.
REF: 90311
Date: 02/02/2007

-2lbs pork belly or shoulder
-5 eggs
-5 cloves garlic
-2 green onions
-3 tbs fish sauce
-4 tbs sugar
-1 tbs coconut milk or water
-coconut juice or water
-salt to taste
-bamboo shoots (optional)
What to Do:
Cut pork into small ‘chunks’. Boil and peel eggs. Crush and mince garlic and onions. Boil together coconut milk and sugar until golden brown; add garlic and onions give it a quick stir before adding pork and fish sauce. Lastly, add eggs and coconut juice. Simmer until pork tender add salt to taste. Add bamboo a few mins before serving. Serve with fresh herbs and dưa giá (pickled bean sprouts).
REF: 90325
Date: 02/02/2007

Lovelycat oi!
Ban dich gium toi sang tieng Viet duoc ko?
Ban cu post tieng anh the nay sao toi nau duoc. Toi hoi that do.
REF: 90439
Date: 02/06/2007

Hic!Thời gian này mình bận lắm(thi mà bạn).Khi nào rảnh mình sẽ dịch tiếng Việt.
REF: 90440
Date: 02/06/2007

There are 2 methods to make pickled bean sprouts. The first method is more traditional, and requires more time than the second method.
Ingredients (same for both methods):
-2lbs bean sprouts
-2 carrots
-1 small bunch chives or green onions (about 100g)
-3 cloves garlic (optional)
-3 chilies (optional)
-1 tsp salt
-3 tbs sugar
Getting Ready:
Crush and mince garlic and chilies. Wash and drain bean sprouts. Cut carrots into thins strips, cut chives into 2 inch long pieces. Mix together bean sprouts carrots and chives with garlic, chilies, salt and sugar.
Method 1:
Add everything into a clean container, the fill with rice water (water from washing rice before cooking). The sprouts should “ripen” within a day or two.
Method 2:
After mixing all ingredients together, add ¾ cup vinegar and toss well. Toss the sprouts every hour or two. The sprouts should wilted and ready within a few hours.
REF: 90441
Date: 02/06/2007

Gà Luộc Chặt is basically just boiled chicken, served with fried shallot infused soy sauce. Perfect with a bowl warm rice on a rainy day. This dish is usually served during new years because boiled chicken is commonly used as an offering to the gods and ancestors. However, having this dish turn out the right way is not easy. The chicken’s skin should be golden yellow and the flesh must be cooked just right; sill a little pinkish towards the bond. Yeah I know… salmonella… bird flu…. Then again the flesh should be SLIGHTLY pinkish so be reassured, by this stage anything harmful is probably pretty much all dead anyways. If you’d rather be safe than sorry than go ahead and cook the chicken “well done”, after all it is you chicken right? As for me, I’ll take my chances……bird flu is not that big in the US anyways. What about salmonella? I’m too young to worry about it, ask me again in another 40 years or so and hopefully by then I’ll change my mind ;).
-1 chicken about 4-5 lbs
-enough water to cover the chicken
-1 tsp salt
What to Do:
Clean and dry chicken. Add chicken into a pot with salt and water. Bring the water to a boil. Start timing when the water boils, simmer for 6-8 mins per pound of chicken. “Turn” the chicken half way through. When done, using a bamboo skewer, pierce the chicken where the bottom breast meets the tights to allow the fat to float to the surface. Allow all of the fat to flat to the surface before slowing removing the chicken (so that the fat will add a nice shiny golden touch to the chicken). Cool and chop into bit size pieces.
Dipping Sauce:
-2 chilies (optional)
-3 tbs fried shallots
-4 tbs soy sauce
*Chop chilies and shallots, add soy sauce and mix well.
REF: 90511
Date: 02/11/2007

An easy to make salad bursting with flavors.
-1/2 chicken
-1 ½ large onion
-6 kaffir lime leaves
-4 tbs sugar
-3 tbs vinegar
-1 tsp salt
What to Do:
Steam or boil chicken cool and shred meat into small pieces. Slice onions and marinate with sugar, salt and vinegar until soft and wilted, squeeze out excess juices. Finely chop lime leaves. Mix everything together and serve with fish sauce.
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