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Forum > Dịch theo yêu cầu >> dich ho tui bai nay di cac ban oi thu hai tui thi rui

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 Post by: bexuandieu
 ID 16624
 Date: 12/22/2007

dich ho tui bai nay di cac ban oi thu hai tui thi rui
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien
cuoc song o thanh pho co nhieu thuan loi nhu chung ta co the phat trien duoc nghe nghiep va tri thuc , chung ta co the nang cao kinh ngiem va co hoi kiem tien rat cao . khi do nhung gi ta hoc co the duoc phat huy va ta co the tu tin hon va co kha nang tu lap nhieu hon khi con o voi gia dinh
trai lai nhung thuan loi ta co the gap nhung kho khan nhu nha o va cuoc song co the gap nhieu kho khan hon .chung ta co the gap ve nhung van de tien nong trang trai cho cuoc song xa nha vavan de suc khoe
o thanh pho chung ta cho the co nhung thuan loi va cung co nhung kho khan nhung do la nhung kinh nghiem cuoc song giup ta lon hon va chung chac hon

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 Reply: doere
 REF: 97650
 Date: 01/05/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Life in the city is much more advantageous due to its the high standard of education and the high rate of employment . We can develope our skill gradually and easily meet various career opportunities. It is where our gained knowlegde and education can be applied into our real life. Hence in the city we will be more confident and self-relient than when we were in our hometown with families.
Beside, there are still some significant unconveniences that we have to face once we choose to live in the city. That is the accommodation and sufferings and problems which we may meet in the beginning. Expense like living costs, public service and health service is also on the list of life's troubles.
However, in my opinion, once we choose living in the city, we have to admit both sides and it is in fact a very great opportunity to train yourselve to be more experienced and more resillient.
( ko biet' co' bi. tre~ ko ha' T_T)

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