ID 13618
Date: 09/08/2006
Tục ngữ.
*Work of any kind is good.
Nghề nào cũng quý.
*Work provides plenty.
Có làm mới có ăn.
Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ.
ý kiến
REF: 87965
Date: 09/10/2006
Yes, I agree with Lovelycat:
“Work of any kind is good.
Nghề nào cũng quý.”
When you love your work, make sue it provides what you need. For example, a painter loves painting and he can’t support himself or his family. What type of work is this?
“Work provides plenty.
Có làm mới có ăn.
Tay làm hàm nhai, tay quai miệng trễ.”
Everyone has 24 hours a day, no more, no less. Physical work doesn’t go up very high on the ladder of life. A person must use his / her mind to work effectively.
A person must think he doesn’t have to work, but he still have plenty of money. For example : use someone’s money like a bank; or use someone to work for him. I call it the leverage.
For example : I use the bank’s money to buy properties. The income from the properties will support me. I don’t have to work, but money is still flowing in every week.
Or I set up a business. People will work for me. I don’t have to work and money is still flowing in.
How do you think Lovelycat?
REF: 87973
Date: 09/12/2006
[quote]I use the bank’s money to buy properties. The income from the properties will support me. I don’t have to work, but money is still flowing in every week.[/quote]
How you have that money?
REF: 87978
Date: 09/12/2006
You can use 10% of your money as a deposit. You borrow 90% from the bank. You risk 10% and the bank risks 90%. When your property increases in value, you can go back to the bank to borrow 10% against your equity.
Initially, you put 10% into the property. Later on, you take back your 10%. At that time, you own a property without using your money. What risk do you have now?
REF: 88023
Date: 09/14/2006
{quote}I use the bank’s money to buy properties. The income from the properties will support me. I don’t have to work, but money is still flowing in every week.{/quote}
That is hard work!
REF: 88025
Date: 09/14/2006
Of course, it is not easy. If it is easy, everyone can do it. It may take several months to look for a right property. When the system sets up properly, the whole thing will run by itself. You don't have to do anything after that.
REF: 90096
Date: 01/23/2007
Hej I m agree with you Trauvang.
wow... yeah Hello Lynhat !
Yes it is not so easy for you to have that job i think so .
But is that you meaning you have to working also don't you Lynhat?
How do you got all money from the People work for you ???
That is really hard job .
So that is also meaing .
Work of any kind is good.
And share weal and woe .
With Work provides plenty is right and correct ,its life.
sometime money is nothing but money also can buy everything its mean everything with both of them.thanks and goodbye lovely to enjoy with all of you onece again thanks all of you .
REF: 90167
Date: 01/26/2007
lynhat ,you gave a interesting example,but if you want to make a profit in such a way , are you sure it's always effective,saying sounds easy,oh,i am newcomer ,hope to be helped in practising english,
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