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 Post by: lovelycat
 ID 14898
 Date: 04/23/2007

Peter Pan - Picture Stories
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There once was a house in London where a family named Darling lived. There were Mr. and Mrs. Darling and their three children, Wendy, John, and Michael. Watching over the children was Nana, the nursemaid, who also happened to be a dog. It was to this home that a most interesting visitor came on one magical starry night. His name was Peter Pan.

Peter Pan chose this house for one very special reason: There were people there who believed in him. Not Mr. Darling. He only thought about business and the importance of being on time and dressing properly. But Mrs. Darling was still young enough at heart to believe that Peter Pan was the spirit of youth.

Then there were John and Michael. They knew how to fight off pirates, whoop like Indians, and march like soldiers. To them Peter Pan was certainly real, and they made him the hero of all their games.

But the expert on Peter Pan was Wendy. She knew everything there was to know about him.

On this particular night, after Michael and John had drawn a pirate map on their father's shirt front, Mr. Darling angrily declared, "Children need to grow up." Then, turning to Wendy, he added, "This is your last night in the nursery, young lady."

"And there will be no more dogs for nursemaids in this house," Mr. Darling concluded as he marched Nana outside, where he tied her up for the night.

That's how it came to be that when Mr. and Mrs. Darling went out to a party later that night, Wendy, Michael, and John were left all alone, asleep in their room.

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 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 91529
 Date: 04/24/2007

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A certain boy and his pixie, Tinker Bell, took advantage of the moment and slipped in through the nursery window.

The Darlings' nursery was a familiar place to Peter. He liked to sit in the shadows and listen to Wendy's stories. The hero of these stories was always Peter Pan, of course. But on his last visit, Peter had gotten separated from his shadow. Tonight he had come to get it back.

"Well done, Tink, you've found it!" Peter crowed when Tinker Bell discovered his shadow. But the shadow was in no hurry to be following Peter again. The moment he opened the drawer where it was hiding, the shadow took off, flitting and skittering around the room! Peter charged after it, making such a racket that Wendy woke up!

"Peter Pan! I knew you'd come!" Wendy cried. Then she ran to get her sewing basket.

"I saved your shadow for you. It needs sewing on. That's the proper way to do it."

"Oh, Peter, I'm so glad you came back tonight, because it's my last night in the nursery," she added.

"But that means no more stories!" cried Peter. "I won't have it! Come on! We're going to Never Land. You'll never grow up there!"

"John! Michael! Wake up…Peter's taking us to Never Land!" cried Wendy. "But Peter, how do we get there?"

"Fly, of course. It's easy. All you have to do is think a wonderful thought. And," said Peter, shaking Tinker Bell, "add a little bit of pixie dust."

 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 91582
 Date: 04/30/2007

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"We can fly!" shouted Wendy, John, and Michael as they followed Peter and Tink out the nursery window. They soared over the rooftops of London and past the great clock tower of Big Ben. Peter laughed with glee as he pointed up into the sky.

"There it is, Wendy -- Never Land…second star to the right and straight on till morning."

From high up in the sky, they finally spotted the land of their dreams.

"Look, John," cried Wendy, "Mermaid Lagoon!"

"And the Indian Camp!" yelled John.

"There's the pirate ship and its crew," added Michael, all twinkly with excitement. "It's just as you told us, Wendy!"

"Oh, Peter! It's just as I've always dreamed it would be," Wendy smiled.

The captain of the pirate ship was a nasty fellow named Hook. He had only one dream in life -- to destroy Peter Pan. "Blast that Peter Pan!" said Hook as he studied a map of Never Land. "If I could only find his hideout, I'd trap him."

Captain Hook got his name because he had a hook where a hand should be. And who was to blame for that? Why, Peter Pan, of course. Hook had another enemy, too -- the crocodile. He was terrified of the creature. "He's been following me around for years, licking his chops," said Hook.

"And he'd have had you by now, Cap'n, if he hadn't swallowed that alarm clock. Now when he's about, he warns you with his tick-tock, tick-tock…" said Smee.

"Peter Pan, ahoy!" cried the lookout. Instantly Captain Hook forgot about the crocodile. "Swoggle me eyes," he cried, looking through his telescope. "It is Pan!" Ordering his men to load the cannon, Hook fired away!

"Quick, Tink!" shouted Peter as the cannonballs flew by. "Take Wendy and the boys to the island! I'll stay here and draw the pirates' fire!"

 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 91736
 Date: 05/10/2007

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p4.jpg (15547 bytes)

Tinker Bell took off at once for Peter's hideaway. But she purposely flew too fast, leaving the others far behind.

"Tinker Bell! Wait for us! We can't keep up with you!" yelled Wendy and the boys.

But Tink didn't want to wait. Peter Pan had hardly looked at Tinker Bell since Wendy had come along. Tink didn't like it one bit, and now she had a plan!

Tinker Bell zoomed ahead, flying into an opening in a tree where the Lost Boys and Peter lived. Jingling in her pixie language, she told the boys Peter had sent her with a message that there was a terrible "Wendy-bird" headed their way. Peter's orders were to shoot it down!

The Lost Boys hurried out from their hiding place.

"I see it!" yelled Skunk as he and the others placed stones in their slingshots.

"Ready…aim…fire!" shouted the boys. Suddenly rocks were flying everywhere, hitting Wendy and sending her tumbling from the sky!

Luckily, Peter Pan arrived just in time to catch Wendy. "Peter…you saved my life," said Wendy, throwing her arms around him.

"I bring you a mother to tell you stories," Peter angrily told the Lost Boys, "and you shoot her down!"

"B-b-but Tink said it was a bird," stammered Cubby.

"She said you said to shoot it," added Rabbit.

"Tinker Bell," said Peter, "you might have killed Wendy! I hereby banish you forever!"

"Please," begged Wendy, feeling sorry for poor Tinker Bell, "not forever!"

"For a week, then!" declared Peter.

 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 91858
 Date: 05/16/2007

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Taking Wendy by the hand, Peter flew off to show her Mermaid Lagoon. John and Michael wanted to explore Never Land, too, but had no interest in mermaids. They wanted to see Indians.

"John, you be the leader," declared the Lost Boys. Then, lining up behind him, they marched off into the forest.

As they marched along, the Lost Boys and John made a plan. They would be very clever and capture the Indians!

It might have worked, too, except for one thing -- the Indians caught them first.

Michael and John were very frightened until the Lost Boys explained how things worked. "When we win, we turn them loose. When they win, they turn us loose."

But this time the Indian Chief wouldn't set the Lost Boys free. He thought they had kidnapped his daughter, Tiger Lily.

"You tell me where you hid Princess Tiger Lily," the Chief said, "or you'll burn at the stake!"

Meanwhile, Peter was showing Wendy the beautiful Mermaid Lagoon when he suddenly spotted Hook and Smee rowing by in a small boat. Tied up in back was Tiger Lily! "It looks like they're headed for Skull Rock," Peter whispered to Wendy. "Let's see what they're up to."

 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 92031
 Date: 05/21/2007

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Sure enough, Hook was holding Tiger Lily prisoner in Skull Rock. "Tell me the hiding place of Peter Pan and I shall set you free. Hurry, before the tide comes in!" Hook demanded.

Peter was ready to rescue Tiger Lily. "I'll show the old codfish. Stay here, Wendy, and watch the fun!" Then he drew his dagger and challenged Hook to a fight.

Hook slashed at Peter! Peter jumped away just in time! Then Peter pinned the captain, but Hook broke free and fought Peter to the very edge of a cliff.

"I've got you this time, Pan!" he cried.

Peter backed away from Hook.

Hook followed. Aaaahhhh! He went tumbling off the cliff!

"I'll get you for this, Pan!" he yelled. Then, as he fell toward the water, Hook heard the familiar sound…tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. The crocodile was waiting.

"I say, Hook," grinned Peter Pan, "do you hear something?"

The crocodile swallowed the captain! But the terrified Hook fought furiously and jumped right back out!

"Smee! Smee!" Hook screamed as he tumbled into the boat. "Row for the ship! Row for the ship!"

While Smee rowed as fast as he could, Peter swooped down to save Tiger Lily and fly her back home.

The Indian Chief was so happy to see his daughter again that he freed John, Michael, and the Lost Boys. Then he placed a headdress of beautiful feathers on Peter Pan, proclaiming Peter Pan "Chief Little Flying Eagle."

"Waaawhoop!" yelled Peter.

"Oh, how wonderful!" said Wendy.

"Bravo!" added John.

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