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Forum > Tìm hiểu, luyện thi English >> 4th nine weeks test project ( please giup do )

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 Post by: dragonfable001
 ID 16985
 Date: 05/15/2008

4th nine weeks test project ( please giup do )
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien
here is the paper 3 question
Avoiding fragment and run-ons. Define a fdragment and a run-ons. Write at least 2 examples of each, and then write a correction for each example. Find at least 1 example of a fragment and a run on in a newspaper, magazing or cut out. Include the fragment and run on with a correction to each. total 2 definitions 3 fragment 3 run on and 6 correcttly written sentences.
please give me the definition about fragment and run on.
tim giup minh du lieu cua frament and run on sentence
can gap please now

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