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Forum > Thơ tiếng Anh >> Choose the right answer ..."exercise"

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 Post by: hoaiphuong1983
 ID 14246
 Date: 12/14/2006

Choose the right answer ..."exercise"
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1. Thomas Edison did things in this order:
a. he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy, and then got his first patent
b.he became a newsboy,got his first patent, and then became a telegraph operator
c. he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy
d. he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator, and then got a patent
2. Edison considered his deafness:
a. a disadvantage
b. a blessing
c. something from a priest
d. a necessity
3.Of all the inventions,______ was probably the most important for civilization.
a. the vote recorder
b. the stock ticker
c. the light bulb
d. the motion picture camera
4. The main idea of this passage is:
a. Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and he invented many important things.
b. Thomas Edison could not keep a job.
c. Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments.
d. Deaf people make good inventors because they can focus without the distraction of spoken conversation

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