1 cay bong hong xin danh tang cho ban
2 cay bong hong toi xin tang cho nguoi xem tho
3 cay bong hong toi xin tang cho tat ca
9999 doa hong toi xin tang cho nguoi toi yeu
REF: 88363 Date: 10/21/2006
Chao Wendy!
Toi vua post bai tho Tieng Anh len doc may dong tho tieng viet cua ban....khong biet ban con o trong web hoc tieng anh nay hay ko? Neu duoc thi minh chat voi nhau cho vui,nick cua minh la:pumpkinlove19
Cau tho cua ban ,theo y kien cua minh thi: Tat nhien ng\ minh yeu men thi se luon danh nhung gi dac biet doa hong bieu tuong cho tinh yeu....Va 999 doa hong do noi len tinh cam chan thanh nhat cua ban danh cho ng\ ban yeu thuong!
Pham Hoai Phuong
REF: 88364 Date: 10/21/2006
Ban Wendy oi! minh co post bai nay len roi,nhung khong biet ban co doc qua chua? Va chung ta dang ban thao ve nhung Doa Hong...Thi minh post cho moi ng\ cung doc,de chia xe them ve chuyen Doa Hong nhe!
A rose reminds us of love.Is there love at school?
love exists wherever there is a heartbeat.Students often have a gentle and pure love,not the kind of passionate,strong love of the one who idolizes his lover ,of lovers looking at each other instead of looking in the same direction.
I implore you please do not gaze at me with such infatuated eyes .Let us stop calling each other Prince and Princess because our imaginary crowns set with jewels and royal golden brocade ropes will only seprateus from our friends.Then the fear that our jewels might be lose or our precious clothers be stained will make us stand still and we will not dare join in contributing our energy to our homeland....
Please receive the loving rose with care since its sharp thorns may hurt you!
Pham Hoai Phuong
REF: 88383 Date: 10/22/2006
chao ban toi da co doc bai tho nay cua ban viet roi toi thay no rat la` hay toi cung tang thanh` y' kien na`y cua ban, chuc ban vui ve nhe