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 Post by: thanhdn
 ID 17105
 Date: 07/22/2008

làm giúp mình đoạn văn này nhé
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien
write a letter to tell your home rules to a freind.You can begin your letter with evry home should have its own family rules.In my family, my parents....

góp ý kiến
 Reply: tomato009300
 REF: 98688
 Date: 07/27/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Every home shoul have its own family rules. In my family, my parent don't let me go out at home, about 10 pm. And that's right so I can not disagree with them. But sometimes, I mustn't go with my friends to somewhere I like, it isn't bad for me, but they tell " no". That is a bad rules I have ever known ! But I still think , they want me to be safe, that's ok. Or, some rules at my house often make me tired :only learn and I can't chat with my friends, don't talk everything when I go to bed,...Do you agree that sometimes, our parent don't notice about our think ???
hihi, mình chỉ có thể viết nhu vậy thôi, dung che nhe !1
Rất vui khi lam wen voi ban !
Nice to meet you !

 Reply: tomato009300
 REF: 98689
 Date: 07/27/2008

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Every home shoul have its own family rules. In my family, my parent don't let me go out at home, about 10 pm. And that's right so I can not disagree with them. But sometimes, I mustn't go with my friends to somewhere I like, it isn't bad for me, but they say " no". That is a bad rules I have ever known ! But I still think , they want me to be safe, that's ok. Or, some rules at my house often make me tired :only learn and I can't chat with my friends, don't talk everything when I go to bed,...Do you agree that sometimes, our parent don't notice about our think ???
hihi, mình chỉ có thể viết nhu vậy thôi, dung che nhe !1
Rất vui khi lam wen voi ban !
Nice to meet you !

  góp ý kiến



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