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Forum > Ngữ pháp tiếng Anh >> Cấu trúc song song trong câu

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 Post by: lovelycat
 ID 13963
 Date: 10/29/2006

Cấu trúc song song trong câu
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Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches.

Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician, and a teacher.

Peter is rich, handsome, and many people like him.

Peter is rich, handsome, and popular.

The cat approached the mouse slowly and silent.

The cat approached the mouse slowly and silently.

She like to fish, swim and surfing.

She like to fish, to swim and to surf.

She like fishing, swimming and surfing.

When teenagers finish highschool, they have several choices: going to college, getting a job, or the army.

When teenagers finish highschool, they have several choices: going to college, getting a job, or joining the army.

Tim entered the room, sat down, and is opening his book.

Tim entered the room, sat down, and opened his book.

Tuy nhiên nếu thời gian trong các mệnh đề khác nhau của câu là khác nhau thì động từ cũng phải tuân theo qui luật thời gian. Lúc đó cấu trúc câu song song về thời của các động từ (như ví dụ ở dòng cuối bảng trên) không được áp dụng. Ví dụ:

        She is a senior, studies every day, and will graduate a semester early.

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