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Forum > Đàm thoại tiếng Anh >> Exercise: At the Office (tại công sở)

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 Post by: lovelycat
 ID 15830
 Date: 08/16/2007

Exercise: At the Office (tại công sở)
profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang    edit -sua doi, thay doi  post reply - goy y kien
Hãy tìm ra 10 lỗi (10 mistakes) trong đoạn hội thoại dưới đây.

Lan: Hi there.

Hưng: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working long?

Lan: No, I've only been here a few months. I work in the Human Resources Department.

Hưng: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. I'm in Sales.

Lan: Sales sounds like an interesting job.

Hưng: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.

Lan: Yes, it's been a really hectic week.

Hưng: Tell me about it! At least it's supposing to be a nice weekend.

Lan: Yes, I've listened that they are calling for blue skies.

Hưng: Say, did you happen to catch the game last night?

Lan: No, I was working late.

Hưng: It was a great game. We won in overtime.

Lan: Actually, I don't even know who was playing. I don't really follow sports.

Hưng: The Chiefs! Do you think they're going to make it to the finals this year?

Lan: I'm not sure. Well, I better get back to my desk.

Hưng: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?

Lan: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture.

Hưng: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It might be snow.

Lan: I know. I can't believe all of this cold weather. Hopefully Spring will come soon.

Hưng: I can't wait until Spring.

Lan: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then!

góp ý kiến
 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 95506
 Date: 08/19/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai
Hic! Ko ai tham gia cả sao?

 Reply: phamlan
 REF: 95532
 Date: 08/19/2007

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chào các bạn!
tôi là một thanh viên mới ham học tiếng anh nhưng trình độ còn rất hạn chế. Tôi mong được cùng trao đổi với các bạn để cùng nhau nâng cao kiến thức tiếng anh.
cam ơn tất cả các bạn!

 Reply: dqt2007
 REF: 95538
 Date: 08/20/2007

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Mình là thành viên mới, muốn học tiếng anh mà chưa có bạn chát bằng tiếng anh để học hỏi thêm.rất mong các bạn hãy nói chuyện với mình bằng tiếng anh theo nick: thuanccic
rất mong được nói chuyện

 Reply: langbianglan
 REF: 96524
 Date: 10/14/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai

 Reply: ngothiphuong88
 REF: 96561
 Date: 10/17/2007

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mình không rõ nữa. bạn chỉ ra coi nào

 Reply: lovelycat
 REF: 96570
 Date: 10/18/2007

  profile - trang ca nhan  posts - bai da dang  edit - sua bai, thay doi   post reply - goy y kien, dang bai

1. Hưng: Hi. I haven't seen you around here before. Have you been working long?

Correction: I haven't seen you around here before. Have you worked here long?

2. Hưng: Oh, you must make more money than I do then. I'm in Sales.

Correction: Oh, that must be why I haven't seen you around. I'm in Sales.

Không nên hỏi về thu nhập ở công sở.

3. Hưng: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really have a coffee.

Correction: It's okay. Hey, you look like you could really use a coffee.

4. Hưng: Tell me about it! At least it's supposing to be a nice weekend.

Correction: Tell me about it! At least it's supposed to be a nice weekend.

5. Lan: Yes, I've listened that they are calling for blue skies.

Correction: Yes, I've heard that they are calling for blue skies.

6. Hưng: The Chiefs! Do you think they're going to make it to the finals this year?

Correction: Hưng không nên tiếp tục chủ đề này vì Lan không thấy hứng thú.

7. Hưng: Speaking of desks, what do you think of the new office furniture?

Correction: Lan muốn ngừng hội thoại nhưng Hưng không biết.

8. Lan: It's nice, but I would rather get paid for my overtime hours than have new furniture.

Correction: Không nên bày tỏ quan điểm của bạn về một vấn đề gây tranh cãi khi nói chuyện với người lạ.

9. Hưng: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It might be snow.

Correction: Oh. Well, I think I'll be heading home early today. It looks like it might snow.

10. Hưng: Me neither! My divorce will finally come through by then!

Correction: Không được phép bàn về cuộc sống riêng tư của người khác.

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