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Total Pages: 12
    image   Conversation - Đàm thoại thành ngữ thực dụng nhất
    #273: Crack the books, Cook the books, Throw the book at.   (5376)
    #274: One for the book, Know like a book, Wrote the book on.   (4721)
    #275: Hope against hope, Pin your hopes on, Live in hope of.   (5444)
    #276: Return to the fold, Catch as catch can, Cross the Rubicon.   (4896)
    #277: Never say die, No rhyme or reason, Grin and bear it.   (5886)
    #278: Hide out, Hide your light under a bushel, Play hide and seek.   (5813)
    #279: Hidebound, Tan someone's hide, Neither hide nor hair.   (4780)
    #280: Save your bacon, Save your breath, Saved by the bell.   (5394)
    #281: Bread and butter, Know which side your bread is buttered on   (4972)
    #282: Steer clear, Give a wide berth to, Dead in the water.   (4928)
    #283: At wit's end, Bitter end, At loose ends.   (6006)
    #284: Knock around, Knock off, School of hard knocks   (4768)
    #285: Class act, Get your act together, Read the riot act.   (5437)
    #286: Go over with a bang, Bang up job, More bang for a buck.   (4865)
    #287: Cold comfort, Blow hot and cold, Stop cold.   (5380)
    #288: Cold light of day, Cold Sweat, Make my blood run cold   (6208)
    #289: Soft touch, Soft spot, Soft in the head   (5620)
    #290: Blow out, Bash, Blast   (4810)
    #291: Stag party, Hen party, Tailgate party   (6710)
    #292: Wing it, Take someone under your wing   (5053)
    #293: Try your wings, Wait in the wings   (5397)
    #294: Wet Blanket, Security blanket, Blanket drill   (6433)
    #295: Push around, Push your luck, Push over   (6866)
    #296: Pull for, Pull through, Pull date, Pull your leg, Pull the plug   (6926)
    #297: Smell a rat, Smell Blood   (4936)
    #298: Something smells fishy, The sweet smell of success   (5343)
    #299: Come up smelling like a rose, Stop and smell the roses   (4685)
    #300: Rat race, Treadmill, Salt mine   (6972)
    #301: Foul your own nest, Stir up a hornet's nest   (4942)
    #302: Feather your own nest, Empty nest   (4922)
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Total Pages: 12

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